{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let domain = "git.${config.networking.domain}"; gitUser = "git"; in { sops.secrets.gitea_ldap_search = { key = "portunus/search-password"; owner = config.services.forgejo.user; }; users.users.${gitUser} = { isSystemUser = true; home = config.services.forgejo.stateDir; group = gitUser; useDefaultShell = true; }; users.groups.${gitUser} = { }; services.forgejo = { enable = true; # package = pkgs.forgejo; # community fork user = gitUser; group = gitUser; lfs.enable = true; database = { type = "postgres"; name = "git"; # legacy createDatabase = true; user = gitUser; }; # TODO: enable periodic dumps of the DB and repos, maybe use this for backups? # dump = { }; settings = { DEFAULT = { APP_NAME = "iFSR Git"; }; server = { PROTOCOL = "http+unix"; DOMAIN = domain; SSH_DOMAIN = config.networking.domain; ROOT_URL = "https://${domain}"; OFFLINE_MODE = true; # disable use of CDNs }; log.LEVEL = "Warn"; database.LOG_SQL = false; service = { DISABLE_REGISTRATION = true; ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true; NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = "noreply.${config.networking.domain}"; }; "service.explore".DISABLE_USERS_PAGE = true; openid = { ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = false; ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = false; }; mailer = { ENABLED = true; FROM = "\"iFSR Git\" <git@${config.networking.domain}>"; SMTP_ADDR = "localhost"; SMTP_PORT = 25; }; session = { COOKIE_SECURE = true; PROVIDER = "db"; }; }; }; systemd.services.forgejo.preStart = let exe = lib.getExe config.services.forgejo.package; portunus = config.services.portunus; basedn = "ou=users,${portunus.ldap.suffix}"; ldapConfigArgs = '' --name LDAP \ --active \ --security-protocol unencrypted \ --host '${portunus.domain}' \ --port 389 \ --user-search-base '${basedn}' \ --user-filter '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))' \ --admin-filter '(isMemberOf=cn=admins,ou=groups,${portunus.ldap.suffix})' \ --username-attribute uid \ --firstname-attribute givenName \ --surname-attribute sn \ --email-attribute mail \ --public-ssh-key-attribute sshPublicKey \ --bind-dn 'uid=search,${basedn}' \ --bind-password "`cat ${config.sops.secrets.gitea_ldap_search.path}`" \ --synchronize-users ''; in lib.mkAfter /* sh */ '' # Check if LDAP is already configured ldap_line=$(${exe} admin auth list | grep "LDAP" | head -n 1) if [[ -n "$ldap_line" ]]; then # update ldap config id=$(echo "$ldap_line" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}') ${exe} admin auth update-ldap --id $id ${ldapConfigArgs} else # initially configure ldap ${exe} admin auth add-ldap ${ldapConfigArgs} fi ''; services.nginx.virtualHosts.${domain} = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://unix:${config.services.forgejo.settings.server.HTTP_ADDR}:/"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; locations."/api/v1/users/search".return = "403"; }; }