{ pkgs, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # essentials wpa_supplicant_gui pcmanfm xdg-utils # used for xdg-open # graphics evince # pdf viewer gimp ffmpeg drawio leafpad # sound pavucontrol x32edit # bluetooth blueman # internet google-chrome filezilla # messaging discord tdesktop element-desktop gomuks # alternative matrix client # games # dwarf-fortress-packages.dwarf-fortress-full prismlauncher # minecraft, but it actually works # not anymore lol superTuxKart # yubikey and password stuff yubikey-manager yubikey-manager-qt yubioath-flutter bitwarden pass # misc btop neofetch # obligatory virt-manager jetbrains.idea-ultimate #😎 powerline-fonts croc # send files anywhere bacula hcloud jq # programming languages cargo rustc rustfmt clippy gcc nodejs_20 # libs libyubikey libfido2 ]; services.kdeconnect = { enable = true; indicator = true; }; programs.texlive = { enable = true; extraPackages = tpkgs: { inherit (tpkgs) collection-basic xetex collection-fontsrecommended; }; }; programs.obs-studio.enable = true; programs.firefox.enable = true; xdg.mimeApps = { enable = true; defaultApplications = let image-viewers = [ "imv.desktop" "gimp.desktop" "swappy.desktop" "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop" "google-chrome.desktop" ]; browsers = [ "google-chrome.desktop" "firefox.desktop" "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop" ]; in { "application/pdf" = [ "org.gnome.Evince.desktop" ]; "image/png" = image-viewers; "image/jpg" = image-viewers; "image/jpeg" = image-viewers; "image/tiff" = image-viewers; "image/gif" = image-viewers; "image/webp" = image-viewers; "image/ico" = image-viewers; "x-scheme-handler/http" = browsers; "x-scheme-handler/https" = browsers; }; }; }