{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  users.users.rspamd.extraGroups = [ "redis-rspamd" ];
  services = {
    rspamd = {
      enable = true;
      postfix.enable = true;
      locals = {
        "worker-controller.inc".text = ''
          secure_ip = [ "", "::/0"];
          bind_socket = "";
        "redis.conf".text = ''
          read_servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";
          write_servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";
        "milter_headers.conf".text = ''
          use = ["x-spam-level", "x-spam-status", "x-spamd-result", "authentication-results" ];
        "dmarc.conf".text = ''
          reporting {
            enabled = true;
            email = 'reports@${config.networking.domain}';
            domain = '${config.networking.domain}';
            org_name = '${config.networking.domain}';
            from_name = 'DMARC Aggregate Report';
        "dkim_signing.conf".text = ''
          selector = "rspamd";
          allow_username_mismatch = true;
          path = /var/lib/rspamd/dkim/$domain.key;
        "reputation.conf".text = ''
          rules {
            ip_reputation = {
              selector "ip" {
              backend "redis" {
                servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";

              symbol = "IP_REPUTATION";
            spf_reputation =  {
              selector "spf" {
              backend "redis" {
                servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";

              symbol = "SPF_REPUTATION";
            dkim_reputation =  {
              selector "dkim" {
              backend "redis" {
                servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";

              symbol = "DKIM_REPUTATION"; # Also adjusts scores for DKIM_ALLOW, DKIM_REJECT
            generic_reputation =  {
              selector "generic" {
                selector = "ip"; # see https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/selectors.html
              backend "redis" {
                servers = "/run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock";

              symbol = "GENERIC_REPUTATION";
        "groups.conf".text = ''
            group "reputation" {
              symbols = {
                  "IP_REPUTATION_HAM" {
                      weight = 1.0;
                  "IP_REPUTATION_SPAM" {
                      weight = 4.0;

                  "DKIM_REPUTATION" {
                      weight = 1.0;

                  "SPF_REPUTATION_HAM" {
                      weight = 1.0;
                  "SPF_REPUTATION_SPAM" {
                      weight = 2.0;

                  "GENERIC_REPUTATION" {
                      weight = 1.0;
    redis = {
      vmOverCommit = true;
      servers.rspamd = {
        enable = true;
    caddy.virtualHosts."rspamd.${config.networking.domain}".extraConfig = ''

      # for some reason this only works with http and not with https so we send every request through our wireguard tunnel
      reverse_proxy /outpost.goauthentik.io/* http://nuc.vpn.rfive.de:9000 

      # forward authentication to authentik
      forward_auth http://nuc.vpn.rfive.de:9000 {
        uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy

        # capitalization of the headers is important, otherwise they will be empty
        copy_headers X-Authentik-Username X-Authentik-Groups X-Authentik-Email X-Authentik-Name X-Authentik-Uid X-Authentik-Jwt X-Authentik-Meta-Jwks X-Authentik-Meta-Outpost X-Authentik-Meta-Provider X-Authentik-Meta-App X-Authentik-Meta-Version

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 11334 ];
  systemd = {
    services.rspamd-dmarc-report = {
      description = "rspamd dmarc reporter";
      serviceConfig = {
        Type = "oneshot";
        ExecStart = "${pkgs.rspamd}/bin/rspamadm dmarc_report -v";
        User = "rspamd";
        Group = "rspamd";
      startAt = "daily";