            ,papersize={148mm, 210mm}
            ,layoutsize={148mm, 210mm}


% we need this dummy counter to make a label at the spieleabendplakat

        \expandafter\global\expandafter\edef\csname nopanic@link@\tmptoken\endcsname{\arabic{linkcounter}}%
        % Standard print output:
        \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\linklist\expandafter{\@tmpkey & \url{#1}}%
        % Link system output:
        % Copypasting the output of the following lines into a text file, then run and execute the result of:
        % awk '{print "mkdir " $1 " && echo \"<?php header('\''Location: " $2 "'\''); ?>\" > " $1 "/index.php"}'
        %\expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\linklist\expandafter{\expandafter&\expandafter\tiny\@linknumber\ \url{#1}\\}%
        \protected@edef\@tmpkey{{\fontsize{9pt}{0}\selectfont\keys{\csname nopanic@link@\tmptoken\endcsname}}}%

\sloppy % forces "ugly" line breaks


%Das Coverbild, oh gott o.O Aber es funktioniert
\includegraphics[width = \paperwidth, height = \paperheight]{cover/Vorne}%
\thispagestyle{empty} %keine Seitenzahl
\mbox{} %brauche leeren Content für ne newpage

