# ESE Evaluation Questionnaire for Students # ----------------------------------------------- # Syntax: # {id}; {type}; {parameters} # # {id} identifier for that entry. # IMPORTANT: The id has to be UNIQUE for every entry # {type} can be one of the following (including parameters): # Headline = The headline that is displayed for the questionnaire. There should only be one header. # Takes the text of the header a parameter # TextBox = A text box where the student has to enter a value. # Takes the label of the text box as a parameter # Legend = The legend that describes the rating system. There should be at least on legend per form. # Takes no parameters # Question = A question that has to be answered by the student. # Takes the question as a parameter. # Comment = A box for comments (It is assumed there is only one such box) # Takes the label of the comment box as a parameter. # DropDown = Dropdown menu for the tutor # # If fundamental changes are made (other than changing strings or adding/removing questions) # The files 'student_questionnaire.php' and 'student_analysis' should be checked for validity, # because they rely on some of the ids being present #------------------------------------------------ # -- Header --- headline; Headline; ESE 2016 # -- personal Code -- # this is important and should stay so the student can identify himself to the system and receive his cup later on code; TextBox; Persönlicher Code: # -- Name of the tutor -- tutorName; DropDown; Wer war dein Namenspatron?; # -- Legend -- legend; Legend; # -- Begin Questions -- tutorRating; Question; Wie fandest du das Tutorium? meetingRating; Question; Wie hat dir der Kennenlernspieleabend gefallen? meetingSeminar; Question; Wie war das Seminargruppentreffen? speechCourseGuidance; Question; Wie war der Vortrag zur Studienberatung und -organisation? #speechMicrosoft; Question; Wie war der Microsoft-(MSDNAA)-Vortrag? paperChaseRating; Question; Wie fandest du die Schnitzeljagd? clubbingRating; Question; Wie hat dir die Clubtour gefallen? sppechCoditermination; Question; Wie war der Vortrag zur studentischen Mitbestimmung? speechAbroadSemester; Question; Wie war der Vortrag zum Auslandsstudium? speechTudias; Question; Wie war der Vortrag von TUDIAS? eseGameRating; Question; Wie hat dir das ESE-Spiel gefallen? eseGameEvening; Question; Wie fandest du den Spieleabend? eseBreakfast; Question; Wie gefiel dir das Frühstück? movieNightRating; Question; Wie hat dir der Kino-Abend gefallen? profIntroRating; Question; Wie war die Professorenvorstellung? #bowlingNightRating; Question; Wie war der Billiard/Bowling-Abend für dich? testRegisterRating; Question; Wie fandest du die Übungseinschreibung? giftBags; Question; Wie fandest du die Tüten? ZIH; Question; Wie hilfreich fandest du die ZIH-Broschüre? noPanic; Question; Wie hat dir die NoPanic gefallen? inetPresenceRating; Question; Beurteilung des Internet Auftritts generalEseRating; Question; Was hältst du von der ESE allgemein? # -- Comments -- comment; Comment; Kommentar:;