const { ICalCalendar, ICalCalendarMethod } = require('ical-generator') module.exports = class ProgramIcal { getDate(date, time) { const d = new Date(date); const [ hours, mins ] = time.split(":"); d.setHours(hours); d.setMinutes(mins); return d } getLocalized(item, lang) { if (typeof item === "string") return item; return item[lang]; } data() { return { permalink: data => `/${data.lang}/program.ics` } } render({ ese, program, lang }) { const url = `${ese.year}`; const cal = new ICalCalendar({ name: `ESE ${ese.year}`, url, method: ICalCalendarMethod.PUBLISH, }); for (const [date, events] of Object.entries(program)) { for (const [i, event] of events.entries()) { // nunjucks loops are 1-indexed by default const id = `${date}_${i+1}`; let description = this.getLocalized(event.description, lang); if ("annotation" in event && event.annotation !== null) { description += "\n\n"; + (lang == "en" ? "Notice: " : "Hinweis: ") + this.getLocalized(event.annotation, lang); } if ("location" in event && event.location !== null) { description += "\n\n" + (lang == "en" ? "Location: " : "Veranstaltungsort: ") + this.getLocalized(event.location, lang); } cal.createEvent({ id, start: this.getDate(date, event.start), end: ("end" in event && event.end !== null) ? this.getDate(date, event.end) : this.getDate(date, "23:59"), summary: this.getLocalized(event.title, lang), description, url: `${url}/${lang}/program/#${id}`, }); } } return cal.toString() } }