"2024-10-07": # NOTE: quoting dates is important - start: "09:00" end: "10:30" title: de: "Begrüßung" en: "Grand Opening" description: de: "blabla" en: "bibibababubu" location: "HSZ/004" # annotation: null checkin_link: "https://kurse.ifsr.de/..." livestream: true - start: "10:30" end: "14:00" title: de: "Tutorien und Mittagessen" en: "Tutorial and lunch" description: de: "hocus" en: "pocus" location: "Start: HSZ" annotation: de: "Der Stream verzögert sich um 20 Minuten" en: "The Livesream will be delayed by 20 minutes." # checkin_link: null # livestream: false # NOTE: can be omitted "2024-10-08": - start: "10:30" end: "16:00" title: "Nerd101" # NOTE: same value for all langs description: de: "coole vorträge" en: "cool talks" location: "Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau (APB)" # annotation: null checkin_link: "/campus/" # NOTE: local url (needs to exist) livestream: true - start: "19:00" end: null # NOTE: open end title: de: "Clubwanderung" en: "Club tour" description: de: "lorem" en: "ipsum" location: "Start: APB" annotation: de: "Bargeld mitbringen!!!!11!1" en: "Bring cash!!!!11!1" checkin_link: "https://kurse.ifsr.de/..."